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Toddlers can be a handful, but if you can see things from his perspective, and support him as he takes his first steps into autonomy, toddlerhood can be terrific!
ArticleTeaching Kids To Share
We all want our children to be generous. But that isn't what they learn from forced sharing. Try self-regulated turns, which also strengthens sibling bonds.
ArticleBooks about the New Baby for Older Siblings
Great books, many with the theme of an ambivalent older sibling coming to love the new arrival, which is a great model to give older kids.
ArticlePreparing Your Child for the Separation While You Birth the New Baby
If you're worried about leaving your older child when you give birth to your baby, here's your gameplan to best prepare them AND set your mind at ease.
ArticleWhen Your Older Child Hits the Little One: A Script
Did your toddler or preschooler just hit their little sibling? Of course you see red! Here's your script to intervene -- and prevent a recurrence!
ArticleDiscipline: Managing Your Toddler so you can enjoy him
How to manage a toddler? And stay positive?! Believe it or not, Yes you can! Dealing with tantrums, setting limits, giving choices and so much more.
ArticleEasing the Transition to the Toddler Bed
So your toddler is giving up the crib? Or moving out of the family bed? How to help your toddler learn to fall asleep in the new big-kid bed without...
ArticleChild-Led Potty Learning Without a Power Struggle
The truth about toilet training is that if the child is ready, it happens easily. If not, a power struggle ensues. Here's how to avoid a power struggle.
ArticleFeeding Your Toddler
Even more important than what your toddler puts in his mouth is his basic relationship with food. You want him to be in charge of his own eating.
ArticleHelp Your Toddler Learn to Put Himself to Sleep
Toddlers need enough sleep to rise to the developmental challenges filling their lives. The good news is that falling asleep is a habit, and all kids can learn it!