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Heidi Garcia

Parenting Coach

Seattle, WA

About Heidi Garcia

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by how much information is out there about how to be a good parent? Do you ever feel bad because no matter how much you know or how well you think you know it, you struggle to implement these parenting techniques and feel confident about how you are doing it?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, you might need a parent coach!

I came to peaceful parenting when my oldest was a baby because I wanted to build a rock-solid relationship with him. I learned about the importance of empathy and some great tools to help me connect with him. But it took a few more years (and a mindfulness and nervous system regulation practice!) to move beyond “doing peaceful parenting” to “being peaceful” and truly become the parent he (and eventually his little sister) needed.

Fortunately for you, you don’t have to wait that long. You just need loving and compassionate support from a coach like me who sees all that is good in you and knows how to help you to bring more of it into your interactions with your kids.
