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Parental Anger

When we're angry, it's because we think we need to protect ourselves from some threat.

We forget that a misbehaving child is not a threat, just a confused or upset young human with an immature brain. We forget that we're escalating the drama by acting in a threatening way ourselves. We forget that our responsibility as a parent is to act like a grown-up, calmly coaching our child so they can learn, grow, and develop the ability to regulate their own emotions and behavior.

When your child's behavior sends you into your own temper tantrum, you'll be sure that your child is the problem. But any time you "lose it" that's a sign that you're triggered.

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When You Get Angry At Your Child

Every parent gets angry at his or her children sometimes. Here's how to handle your rage so you don't dump it on your kids.

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Honesty, Anger and Parenting

"Dr. Laura...I think we as parents need to be honest about our own anger, disappointment, sadness about our child's choices..."

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Angry? Don't lose it. Use it!

That's an upsetting photo, right? Most of us don't realize how scary our angry faces can be for our children.

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7 Tips to Stay Cool When Your Child Acts Up

"Let it go. The moment you feel your hackles rising, let it go. If you let it upset you, what follows is anger, and to quote Yoda, that leads to the dark side.... Notice … and interrupt it. Find your own way of accepting things with grace."  -- Steve Errey

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When Your Child Makes You Want To Scream: 10 Steps to Calm, Connect & Teach

"Your step by step role plays are a godsend, I love that you show me exactly what to say.  But the hardest thing is still to calm myself down when my kids get wild and my buttons get pushed. I end up screaming despite my best intentions." - Mollie

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Can You Love Unconditionally When You're Furious?

"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom." -- Victor Frankl

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