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Grief is a part of every life, and how we handle loss has a huge impact on the richness of our family's emotional life. Our comfort level with loss also gives our children an important role model. The kids who successfully live through loss are the ones who find ways to feel connected to the person they've lost AND to go on with their lives.

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Helping Kids with Grief, Loss and Bereavement

"Those who can't weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either."
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Explaining Death to Children

Dr. Markham,
Thank you for your website. It really describes the parent I strive to be. My question is about death and explaining it to a toddler. I didn't see too much about this topic so far.

My daughter is 26 months. My father is dying of cancer and she is very close with him. I think the reason for that is while he was diagnosed a year ago during the hospital stay, they bonded instantly in a way that can't be described. It is like they needed each other during that tough time. She talks about him constantly. We live far away, but they stay in touch with web cameras. She talks about him more than anyone besides her parents.

I'm very concerned about what to do for the viewing and funeral when my dad does pass away. I think it will be traumatic for her. What should I do and how do I explain it to her? I want to make it easy for her, but I'm not sure how to explain it or explain why everyone is crying. I think she will be very concerned to see me cry.

Thank you, Lisa

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Books to Help You Explain Death To Children

Death is one of the great mysteries of life. Each of us will lose loved ones throughout our lives, and each of us will die. Yet few of us talk about death. And most of us find ourselves at a loss when we're faced with explaining death to our children, especially at a time when we're grieving ourselves.

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Healing after Miscarriage

My fiancé and I found out that we were just under 5 weeks pregnant just over a month ago. It was unexpected, and unplanned, but we accepted it and wanted it. Both his parents and my parents do not have grand children yet, so therefore they were more than excited to hear the news.

Just over a week later, we had a miscarriage. I had to tell so many people that we lost our baby, along with that loss I have lost my faith and I want to blame someone, I cannot seem to be ok. I show everyone around me that I am coping really well with it, yet inside I do not want to try again because I cannot stand the pain.

Everyone keeps telling me that everything happens for a reason, and then I blame myself thinking that I was the reason it did happen. I ask myself if I had wanted him more, if we would still be pregnant? I keep asking myself what I could have done? I want the hurt to stop, I want everyone to stop telling me it happened for a reason.

When will I be able to come to terms that we are no longer expecting our bundle of joy?

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