Health & Safety
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Safety Rules Every Family Needs
It's a big world out there. When your child was a baby or toddler, you were always there, or you left your child in the care of a trusted adult. But as your child gets older, you'll be holding his or her hand less and less. You're bound to worry a bit about safety. And when kids begin to navigate the sidewalks or even public transit by themselves, it can be positively nerve-wracking.
Read More12 Ways to Protect Your Child From Stress
The greatest dangers to our kids may not be the ones we worry most about, the ones that make the news, like abduction and child molestation.
Random abductions by strangers are relatively rare in the U.S., approximately 200 annually, and molestation is almost always perpetrated
by someone the child knows. Most parents can reduce these risks dramatically
with attentive parenting.
How Nature Makes Kids Calmer, Healthier, Smarter
"It's so peaceful out there and the air smells so good....It's like you're free when you go out there. It's your own time. Sometimes I go outside when I'm mad -- and then, just with the peacefulness, I'm better. I come back home happy, and my mom doesn't even know why."
Read More12 Ways to Empower Your Child Against Bullying -- Including CyberBullying
What is bullying? defines "bullying" as repeated unwanted, aggressive behavior in which a child or teen uses a real or perceived power imbalance, such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity, to control or harm other kids. It can include anything from spreading rumors to name-calling to physical aggression, but this is not simply being rude or unkind once. Essentially, Bullying is a repeated, purposeful abuse of power, meant to cause harm to the other person.
Read MoreTalking To Your Child About Alcohol: What To Ask & What To Say
"Last summer a teen in my community died in a car accident after a drinking party. Can you give tips on how to talk to my kids about alcohol? They're 7 and 11."
Read MoreWhat Every Parent Needs to Know to Keep Your Child Safe From Sexual Abuse
Most parents worry about how to protect their children in a world that sometimes seems so dangerous. As with any other danger, protecting our kids from risk starts with understanding those risks.
Read More15 Ways to Keep Your Child from Developing an Eating Disorder
In this culture, unfortunately, many of us eat diets that aren't very healthy, and we don't get enough exercise. That's true for our kids, too. In fact, experts suggest that this is the first generation that's less healthy than their parents.
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