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Newborns & Infants

Welcome to Planet Parenthood, where the sleep is scarce but the love will blow you away. How does it feel to be party to a miracle? Bringing a baby into the world is a sacred act. No less sacred is the work ahead, where you and your baby, together, create an intimate relationship that will become the foundation of his emotional health for the rest of his life.

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Parenting Your Newborn

Congratulations! You have a new baby! Now what?

Welcome to Planet Parenthood, where the sleep is scarce but the love will blow you away. In this section, you'll find your baby's developmental tasks, your priorities, and a simple Parents' Gameplan, all set up to make your life easier when you've only had an hour of sleep and you've got two minutes to read.

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Colic? How to Calm Your Crying Baby

All babies cry. Most babies cry a lot. Some babies are more easily comforted, others can routinely work themselves into a frenzy. Of course it sends your heart racing. That's Mother Nature's way of insuring that the human race survives.

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Breast or Bottle?

Research shows unequivocally that breastfed babies are healthier and smarter, and that the longer babies are nursed, the healthier and smarter they are. That's because brain development, immune function and all aspects of the baby's physiology are designed to flourish when the baby is fed her natural food. Substitute food, no matter how well-designed, cannot exactly match what the human body creates.

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Breastfeeding Tips

Courtesy of Mothering Magazine, here's Breastfeeding 101: A primer of everything you need to know about nursing to get you started.

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Infants and Sleep

Most new parents are shocked by the constant interruption of their sleep that a newborn brings to the house. But there are ways to be there when your baby needs you, and still get some rest.

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The Case Against Ferber Sleep Training

I'll admit up front that I'm biased against Ferberizing, or Ferbering, as it is sometimes called. As a psychologist, I follow the research, which has convinced me that babies do better if parents respond when they cry, whether it's light or dark outside.

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Checklist for Safe Co-Sleeping & Naps

Guest Article by: Elizabeth Pantley

I interviewed Elizabeth Pantley on my radio show when she published her book The No-Cry Nap Solution. I think this may be her best book yet because it addresses the questions parents ask most often, like "How do I put my baby down awake so he learns to fall asleep in the crib, when he always falls asleep nursing?" and "My baby hates sleeping on her back, she always startles awake. What can I do?"

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What's Wrong with Pacifiers?

I received a question from a reader recently:

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Unconditional Love In Action: Cherishing Your Child


"…the precondition for giving is receiving… It is natural to say 'That is a well-cherished child' or 'There is a child who wants cherishing.' We think of cherishment as the emotional equivalent of nourishment. Soul Food."
-Elisabeth Young-Bruehl and Faith Bethelard

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Help Your Older Child Adjust to the New Baby

It is completely natural for your child to be jealous of a new baby. In fact, I doubt there is a child in the world who has not been jealous when a new sibling arrives. Your goal is to help your child manage that jealousy so love has a chance to grow, and to win out.

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Recommended Books: Infants and Babies

Feeling a little anxious?  We've been there.  The best books we know about babies, to help you in developing your own parenting style.

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Best Breastfeeding Books

Since you probably don't have a village of experienced women around to coach you through any breastfeeding challenges, we've picked out our favorite books on how to make feeding your infant the perfect food easy, effortless, and one of the most rewarding things you've ever done. These reassuring, well-researched books are worth reading towards the end of your pregnancy -- and then keeping around as you embark on nursing your new baby.

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