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Age 4-14 months

Your baby is growing up! How did that breath-taking newborn become such an adorable bundle of energy and fun? And you, how did you get to be such a confident parent, knowing -- at least most of the time -- how to comfort your baby, feed her, connect with her?

Your adoration of your baby means she wants to please you, which means a happy child who cooperates even as she heads into her second year. And the intimate connection you've created with your baby lays the foundation for a rewarding parent-child relationship for the rest of her life.

Next on the agenda: sitting up, crawling, and walking, all in short order.

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Peaceful Parenting Your Baby: Your Game Plan

Your baby is developing his own personality. What do you need to know to be a great parent? Your growing baby's developmental tasks, your priorities, and a simple Parents' Gameplan, all set up to make your life easier when you've got only three minutes to read before he wakes up.

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Teaching Your Baby to Put Himself to Sleep

How do you get your baby to go to sleep and sleep through the night?

He may accomplish that milestone on his own, soon. Or he may need a little help from you to learn how to put himself to sleep, not just at bedtime but throughout the night. All humans have sleep cycles that take us into slightly wakened states during the night, and we all need to learn the skill of falling back into a deep sleep.

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Is Your Baby Ready For Solid Foods?

Feeding your baby real solid food after six months of breast milk or formula is an exciting time, for you and for him. Before you dive into this big transition, though, there are some questions you'll want to ask yourself.

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19 Ways To Keep Your Baby or Toddler Happy During Diaper Changes


Dr. Laura,
My 11 month old is really happy he's learned to sit up, explore everything in hands reach and roll during diaper changes. He gets so distraught during diaper changes when I prevent him from using these new skills. If I flip him back onto his back after he's rolled onto his tummy giggling or if I keep him from practicing his sit-up skills he turns from happy giggles to sobs and tears. And it is clear that he thinks I am being mean by not allowing him this sweet play exploration that prevents me changing his diaper... he tells me he's so frustrated in his sobs and yells of "momma". I've tried many different things to distract him or keep his attention... toys, dancing, singing, talking, music... all to no avail. He wants to sit-up, roll over and play with whatever diaper accessory I've brought his way. I hate that he hates diaper changes and have no idea what to do. The changes now trigger anxiety for him. I can totally understand his upset during certain changing times such as middle of the night wet diapers while he's hungry and sleepy. But what can I do during other times when he's clearly distressed that my changing his diaper is preventing him from newfound skills and exploring?

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What's Best for Baby Brain Development?


Dr. Laura... Now that my daughter is seven months old, I'd like to know how to best spend each day with her: how much alone play, interactive play, what activities, are there any essential toys, and so on. I pretty much follow her lead throughout the day, but I want to make sure I'm including beneficial activities for her. She is bright, and I'd like to help cultivate that without being overly structured. I'd like to ensure that every moment spent with her is a quality one. Thank you!

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Secure Attachment: The Research

Is "Attachment Parenting" a science? Yes.

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