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High self esteem means we see ourselves as good and capable, that we're "secure" in our value or worthiness. Low self esteem means we see ourselves as not quite good enough, not measuring up. Every parent wants their children to love themselves, to be confident, happy people. There is no such thing as self esteem being too high. We cannot see ourselves as too good, too capable, too worthwhile, and that actually allows us to become more generous and caring people.

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Can Your Child's Self Esteem Be Too High?

"Unconditionality...a solid core of belief in yourself, an abiding sense that you're competent and worthwhile--even when you screw up or fall short--that creates a more stable form of self-esteem, which, in turn, carries a range of psychological and social advantages."
-Alfie Kohn
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Four Easy Ways to Build Your Child's Self Esteem

"If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others." – Haim Ginott

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