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Lisa Howe

MSW, Parenting Coach

San Diego, CA

About Lisa Howe

I'm Lisa: a social worker, a mother of a 4-year-old girl, and a parenting coach. Any other job we have provides us with training, support, and often a mentor to help us learn the ropes, figure out what to do, and how to handle tricky situations. But we don't get that as parents!

This is where I come in. We'll work together to help you meet your parenting goals, in a way that works and that respects each member of your family. I give you the opportunity to talk through your challenges, and then I use my knowledge, training and experience to put together a plan that addresses your concerns and helps you meet your goals. We will talk periodically to check your progress, and adjust the plan as needed.

Some of the areas that people seek coaching in can include: bedtime, sleep, meals, meltdowns, aggression, discipline, sibling rivalry & even just getting out of the house in the morning!

As a young professional, I started working with children with developmental disabilities one-on-one as an academic and social-emotional coach. I also worked as a behavioral coach with families in the foster care system, which helped expose me to many everyday challenges parents struggle with, as well as the ways that trauma can impact attachment and connection. While attending graduate school for my Master of Social Work, I discovered hospice work and fell in love with the role of supporting patients and families through their end-of-life experience.

We all need support and you deserve the best tools to embark on your parenting journey.
