Beyond Discipline: Help Your Child WANT to Cooperate (Skill-Building Bundle)

Would you like to try a more gentle form of discipline but you aren't sure how? Parents are often disbelieving when they hear that there are families who never spank, use timeouts, or even yell -- and their kids are well-behaved. Here's how you can transition to become one of those families! This Self-Paced Skill-Building Bundle will teach you how, step by step, to move beyond threats and punishment and into connection. It includes:
10 Secrets of Setting Effective Limits(audio with transcript)
Setting Limits Solutions (audio with transcript)
The Beyond Discipline E-Workbook (150 pages)
Alternatives to Punishment (Cheatsheet)
How to Set Effective Limits so Your Child WANTS To Cooperate (Cheatsheet)
$69.00 USD
View CartAdd to CartStep #1:
Download the "Beyond Discipline" E-Workbook.
In this 150 page e-workbook, you'll develop your own plan to help your child WANT to cooperate, without yelling, threats, bribes or punishment. To get started, download this PDF, and work your way through this e-book a little bit at a time. Change happens in small shifts!
Step #2:
Listen to 10 Secrets of Setting Effective Limits -- Beyond Discipline Part 1 (Audio).
This audio will teach you how to set empathic limits with a firm, and kind tone. Kids who feel understood are much more likely to cooperate with us In this 55 minute audio, Dr. Laura shares 10 secrets of setting limits that guide your child and help them learn self-discipline, but keep them connected and cooperative -- without you ever having to punish.
You'll learn:
- The three steps of setting effective limits
- How do you handle it when a child is ignoring you/tuning you out?
- How to help children learn with reflection and repair instead of punishment.
- Your secret weapon in getting children to cooperate (and it never involves threats!)
- What to do when your child tests your limits.
Step #3:
Listen to Setting Limits Solutions -- Beyond Discipline Part 2 (Audio)
In this audio, Setting Limits Solutions, Dr. Laura Markham applies her ten secrets of setting limits to the most common challenges that parents encounter when they set limits. You'll hear her tone of voice and learn the words that are most effective to get children cooperating. And you get a full hour and a half of common examples, so you'll find plenty of situations you recognize.
You'll learn:
- What to do when your child tests or ignores your limits.
- How to handle it when your child cries or protests your limit.
- What to do when your child is deliberately provocative.
- How to manage your own frustration when setting limits.
- How to handle your child’s anger, including hitting.
- How to enforce your limits without force.
Step #4:
Alternatives to Engage Cooperation Printable
You know those moments when you're running out of patience? You know there's something you can do besides threaten consequences, but you're too upset to think of anything?
Here's your printable of Alternatives to Engage Cooperation. Keep it handy for those tough moments!
Step #5:
Setting Limits Printable
Download and post this delightful printable about the three steps of setting limits that invite cooperation and teach repair. The three steps are:
- Acknowledge your child's perspective, feelings and wants.
- Set the limit with empathy.
- Tell your child what they CAN do.
It's natural to snap at kids when we think they should already know how to behave. But that won't help them behave better. Instead, take a deep breath, acknowledge your child's perspective, set your limit, and redirect your child's impulse into acceptable behavior. Sounds saintly, I know, and you won't always be able to pull it off. But every time you do, you'll be helping your child grow the neural pathways for a more emotionally intelligent brain. And you'll be gifting yourself a lot less drama -- and a lot more love.
Please note: This is a digital product that may include audios and pdfs. Upon purchase, you'll receive an immediate email with a link to download all the goodies in your bundle.
If you buy three audios, ebooks, or bundles, you will get the fourth digital product free.
Just choose four audios, ebooks, or bundles (you can mix and match.) Buy the three with the highest price tags. Then, send an email to, listing the fourth audio, ebook or bundle. We will promptly send you a link to download your fourth digital product.