Like Cheralynn, most parents think they "should" stop yelling or shouting, but they don't believe there's another way to get their child's attention. After all, it's our job to teach them, and how else can we get them to listen? It’s not like yelling hurts them; they barely listen, they roll their eyes. Of course they know we love them, even if we yell. Right?
Wrong. The truth is that yelling scares kids. It makes them harden their hearts to us. And when we yell, kids go into fight, flight or freeze, so they stop learning whatever we're trying to teach. What's more, when we yell, it trains kids not to listen to us until we raise our voice. And it teaches them to yell back.
If your child doesn't seem afraid of your anger, it’s an indication that he's seen too much of it and has developed defenses against it -- and against you. The unfortunate result is a child who is less likely to want to behave.
Whether or not they show it, our anger pushes kids of all ages away from us. Yelling at them practically guarantees that they’ll have an “attitude” by the time they’re ten, and that yelling fights will be the norm during their teen years. And as kids harden their hearts to us, they look for more from their peer group. We lose our influence with them just when we need it most.
But believe it or not, there are homes where parents don't raise their voices in anger at their children. I don’t mean a permissive household, where kids do whatever they want -- we all know that’s not good for either the children or the adults. And I don't mean parents who have perfect children, or are perfect parents. There's no such thing.
These are homes where the parents set limits calmly and clearly. They do get their buttons pushed and get mad, but are aware enough of their own emotions to stop and manage themselves so they don’t take it out on their kids.
Do you think, like Cheralynn, that you'd need your own private emotion coach in order to stop yelling? Luckily, you already have one – yourself! In fact, the only way to become the patient, calm parent you want to be is to "parent" yourself compassionately. That means learning to coach ourselves lovingly through our own emotions, so we don't take them out on our children. Here's how.
1. Realize that your #1 job as a parent is providing physical and emotional safety, and that includes managing your own emotions.
Your calm is what helps your child feel safe enough that they don't get defensive, so they WANT to do better. It's also how your child learns emotional regulation -- from your modeling. If you're too stressed to slow down and be respectful, then it's your job to get a handle on that with some self-care. Your children deserve it. And so do you.
2. Commit to your family that you'll use a respectful voice.
I know, it's scary to declare to your child that you're going to stop yelling. But who else will keep you accountable? Tell your family that you're learning, so you'll make mistakes...but that you'll get better and better at it. Then figure out what support you need, so you can be the parent you want to be, more often.
3. Take responsibility for your own well-being.
All of us get cranky sometimes. But that doesn't give us license to visit our unhappiness on someone else. Monitor your moods, and when you're stressed or frustrated, take responsibility for that instead of lashing out. Give yourself what you need to feel better, and shift yourself to a better place, so you can be the emotionally generous parent your child deserves.
4. Remember that kids will act like kids.
That’s their job! They're immature humans, learning how things work and how to get what they want in the world. They need to experiment with power so they can learn to use it responsibly. They need to push on limits to see what's solid. Their prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed, so their emotions often take over, which means they can't think straight when they're upset. And, like other humans, they don't like feeling controlled. So while more empathy and respect from you will make them more cooperative, you can expect some childish behavior as long as you live with children, even if you stop yelling. You should be able to self-regulate even when they don't. You're the grown-up.
5. Offer empathy when your child expresses emotion -- any emotion.
This helps your child WANT to cooperate, so you won't feel frustrated enough to yell as often. It also helps your child start to acknowledge and accept their own feelings, which is the first step in learning to manage them. Once children can manage their emotions, they can manage their behavior.
6. Stay connected and see things from your child's perspective, even while you're setting limits.
When kids believe that we're on their side and understand, even when we need to say no, they're more cooperative. Shouldn't you "correct"? Of course! But that works best if you connect first. Until your child feels understood and reconnected, she can't hear your guidance. There's always time to teach lessons later, once you and your child have both calmed down. Then you can teach the lessons you actually want to teach.
7. When you get angry, STOP, DROP and BREATHE.
Shut your mouth. Don't take any action or make any decisions. DROP your agenda until you calm down. BREATHE deeply. If you're already yelling, stop in mid-sentence. Turn away and shake out your hands. Resist that urgent need to "set your child straight." The urgency means you're still in "fight or flight." Don't take action until you're calmer.
8. Take a parent time-out.
Turn away from your child physically. Take a deep breath. If you can't leave the room, run some water and splash it on your face to shift your attention from your child to your inner state. Under your anger is fear, and sadness, and disappointment. Let all that well up, and just breathe. Let the tears come if you need to. Be kind to yourself. Once you let yourself feel what's under the anger -- without taking action -- the anger will begin to melt away.
9. Find your own wisdom.
From this calmer place, imagine there's an angel on your shoulder who sees things objectively and wants what's best for everyone in the situation. This is your own personal parenting coach. What does she say? Can she give you a mantra to see things differently, like:
- "I don't have to "win" here... I can let her save face."
- "He's acting like a child because he IS a child."
- "This behavior signals how upset she is inside; how much she needs my help."
- "I don't have to be right. I can just choose love here."
10. Let go of trying to teach a lesson at this moment, and instead take positive action from this calmer place.
If you try to teach right now, you'll find yourself shaming. It's not a teachable moment until everyone is calm and reconnected.
Your positive action at this moment might be a do-over to get everyone back on track, by restating your correction in a more positive tone. It might mean you apologize, if you were raising your voice. It might mean you get your cranky child laughing, and if that doesn't work, support her through a good cry so that you can all have a better day. It might mean you blow off the dishes and just snuggle under the covers with your kids and a pile of books until everyone feels better. Just take one step toward helping everyone feel, and do, better -- including you.
The bad news? This is hard. It takes tremendous self-control, and you'll find yourself messing up over and over again. Don't give up.
The good news? It works. It gets easier and easier to stop yourself in mid-yell, and then to stop even before you open your mouth. Just keep moving in the right direction. You're re-wiring your brain. At some point, you'll realize that it’s been months since you yelled at anyone.
The better news? Your child will transform, right in front of your eyes. You'll see him working hard to control himself when he gets angry, instead of lashing out. (Yes! That's your role-modeling!) You'll see him cooperating more. And you'll see him "listen" -- when you haven't even raised your voice.
Want to support yourself for real change?
Join us for the Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Online Course, and gift your whole family a better new year. Take a look at the raves from parents who've taken it to see if you think this self-paced course might be a good fit for you. Scholarships available!
Not ready for the Course yet? If you just want to stop yelling, don't miss this skill-building bundle: Stop Yelling & Start Connecting
Click here to watch Dr. Laura's video: How Parents Can Stop the Cycle of Yelling.