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Pregnancy & Birth

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Pregnancy & Birth

Helping you organize your priorities, trimester by trimester, with everything from lists of questions for your doctor to resources for breastfeeding.


Childbirth: Questions to Ask Your Doctor & Midwife

A list of 10 things to look for, and ask about, when deciding where to have your baby.


Choosing Your Doctor Or Midwife

Here's how to choose the doctor or midwife who is most likely to give your baby the best start in life.


First Trimester

Nine months may seem like a long time, but it flies by -- and you have important work to do during those months. This trimester, you have five primary goals.


How To Avoid a Caesarian or C-Section Birth

You can significantly reduce your chances of having a C-Section by informed choice of a caregiver and birth place. Here's how.


Choosing Your Hospital Or Birthing Center

Everything you need to know to choose the best place to bring your baby into the world.


Second Trimester

You're showing! You've gone public with the great news. Now it's time to focus on moving and bonding.


Third Trimester

How to plan for a smooth birth and a wonderful beginning to life with your baby.


Healing Yourself So You Can Be a More Peaceful Parent

The truth is that virtually all of us were wounded as children, and if we don't heal those wounds, they prevent us from parenting our children optimally.


Activate Your Hormones to Become a Better Parent -- and a Happier Person!

The more oxytocin you have, the more loving and attentive you are to your baby. Here's how you can make more "love" hormone.