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Newborns & Infants

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Newborns & Infants

You and your baby, together, can create an intimate relationship that will become the foundation of his emotional health for the rest of his life.


Activate Your Hormones to Become a Better Parent -- and a Happier Person!

The more oxytocin you have, the more loving and attentive you are to your baby. Here's how you can make more "love" hormone.


Attachment Parenting Pros and Cons

Of course you want a Securely Attached child, but do you really have to follow specific rules?


Unconditional Love In Action: Cherishing Your Child

Being cherished as a baby is the foundation for the development of empathy, compassion, and emotional generosity. Learn more about how cherishing is our secret parenting weapon.


What's Wrong with Pacifiers?

Thumb or pacifier? Do pacifiers protect against SIDS? How will a pacifier interfere with breastfeeding? What about mother-child bonding? Find answers here.


The Case Against Ferber Sleep Training

There are kinder, gentler ways to teach babies to put themselves to sleep. Here's what Ferbering is and some of the problems with this method.


Secure Attachment: The Research

Decades of research show that as securely attached babies grow, they form better relationships, have higher self esteem, are more resilient under stress, etc.


The Continuum Concept

The Continuum Concept is the idea that to thrive, babies need the kind of experience they adapted to as humans evolved.


Attachment Parenting Basics

Attachment parenting is actually easier than parent-centered parenting, because you get more sleep and a happier, more secure child.


Books about the New Baby for Older Siblings

Great books, many with the theme of an ambivalent older sibling coming to love the new arrival, which is a great model to give older kids.