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Newborns & Infants
Newborns & Infants
You and your baby, together, can create an intimate relationship that will become the foundation of his emotional health for the rest of his life.
ArticleActivate Your Hormones to Become a Better Parent -- and a Happier Person!
The more oxytocin you have, the more loving and attentive you are to your baby. Here's how you can make more "love" hormone.
ArticleAttachment Parenting Pros and Cons
Of course you want a Securely Attached child, but do you really have to follow specific rules?
ArticleAttachment Parenting Basics
Attachment parenting is actually easier than parent-centered parenting, because you get more sleep and a happier, more secure child.
ArticleHow to Prepare Your Child for the New Baby
If you're pregnant and have another child (or two), here are some tips to reduce sibling rivalry and foster a close sibling bond right from the start.
ArticleBreast or Bottle?
A primer of everything you need to know about nursing to get you started breastfeeding your baby successfully.
ArticleBreastfeeding Tips
Breastfeeding 101: A primer of everything you need to know about nursing to get you started on a successful breastfeeding relationship.
ArticleChecklist for Safe Co-Sleeping & Naps
Everything you need to know about keeping your baby safe in your bed!
ArticleColic? How to Calm Your Crying Baby
How to know if your baby has colic, and how to calm the crying.
ArticleHelp Your Older Child Adjust to the New Baby
It is natural for your child to be jealous of a new baby. Your goal is to help your child manage that jealousy so love has a chance to grow,...