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The most effective parenting strategy with teens is to focus on the relationship, as the only leverage you really have with your teen is love.


Want your child to talk to you? Become a brilliant listener!

Parents often ask what they can say to get their child talking. The secret isn't about what you say. It's about how you listen.


255 Conversation Starters for Family Discussions

Parents often say they don’t know where to begin to have a “real” conversation with their child. These questions will get you started in conversation.


How to Turn Tough Conversations Into Learning Opportunities

Starting out on the offensive will only slam the doors of communication. If you can control your emotions and keep things safe, your child may start sharing.


Foolproof Strategies for Getting Kids to Talk

Foolproof strategies to build trust and get your child to talk with you about what matters to them.


30 Ways To Stay Connected With Your Teen

Finding common ground with your teen builds trust, understanding, appreciation and affection. Here are 30 ideas for staying connected with your teen.


Game Plan for Peaceful Parenting Your Teen

A teen who's responsible, considerate, and shows good judgment, at least most of the time? Yes, it is possible! Here's your game plan, with 12 essential tips.


Staying Connected to Your Teen

Your teen's fierce need for independence doesn't mean he can't (or shouldn't) stay connected to you.


Talking To Your Child About Alcohol: What To Ask & What To Say

Kids whose parents teach them the risks of drugs and alcohol are half as likely to use them. The earlier you start these conversations, the better.


Eight Discussions To Have with Your Teen Before College

Help them prepare mentally and emotionally, for the life changes and rites of passage ahead. Start asking questions, listen much more than you talk.