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Parental Conflict
Parental Conflict
How to handle the inevitable disagreements that come up in adult relationships when you want to be a good role model for your kids.
ArticleHow can I help my kids through my divorce?
Research shows kids can cope with a divorce and come out ok. But often they don't. Here's why, and what you can do to protect your child.
ArticleHow To Make a Fight With Your Partner Into a Positive Learning Experience for Your Child
Fight with your partner? If you can disagree with respect and affection, and work toward a win/win decision, that's great modeling for your child.
ArticleHow To Do Damage Control When You Fight In Front of Your Kids
Conflict is part of every human relationship. So what exactly is a healthy fight? How do you minimize the damage in front of your kids when you're arguing?
ArticleFighting Fair When you Live With Kids: Healthy Conflict Resolution
Modeling healthy conflict resolution with our partner or spouse helps kids learn how to work out disagreements for themselves as adults later. Here's how.
ArticleWhen There Is No Other Parent To "Hand-Off" To
ArticleAngry 3 Year Old Prefers Dad
Mom struggles with her own past and anger issues, while dealing with divorce and a challenging, angry 3 year old who seems to prefer her Dad.
Article6 Year Old with Explosive Temper
An explosive child is an unhappy child and clearly this six-year-old is crying out for help. Here's how to offer help, in the most peaceful way possible.
ArticleChild Witnessed Father Beat Mother
Because the child witnesses this abuse and is traumatized, the child himself is at risk. But if he gets help to process his trauma, he will be fine.
ArticleDad adjusting to new baby
Mom worries about husband's lack of bonding with baby and unrealistic expectations of her. How they resolve this will influence the quality of their marriage.