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Preventive measures can often prevent tantrums. And when you can’t avoid the tantrum, you can use it as an opportunity to connect with your child!


Taming Toddler Tantrums

Tantrums are normal for toddlers. That said, you'll be glad to know that many tantrums are avoidable. Here's how to tame those toddler tantrums.


Toddlers: Your Game Plan for the Terrific Twos

Toddlerhood can be tough. Here's your game plan to maximize fun and brain development -- and minimize aggravation!


Surviving Arsenic Hour

Kids have meltdowns at the end of the day when they're hungry and tired -- but also because they feel disconnected. Stave off meltdowns and set a pleasant tone for...


What Your Child Wishes You Knew When She Acts Out

Don't you wish your child would tell you she's feeling terrible? when your child is "acting out," it's because she CAN'T articulate those feelings.


Why Kids Sometimes Hit After They Feel Close

Most of us are taken aback when our child lashes out after a nice time together. But it's BECAUSE we connected that he's showing us his pain and big feelings.


When You Just Don't Have Time for The Meltdown

Your child is falling apart, but you have to leave this minute. What to do when you just don't have time for the meltdown.


When Your Toddler Hits You: A Script

When toddlers hit, they need us to set firm limits to stop them -- while we help them feel safe and understood. They need help expressing feelings in healthier ways.


When Your Child Hits You: A Script

Here's a script to regain your calm and head off future hitting by your child.


When Empathy Doesn't "Work"

When your empathy doesn't "work," consider whether you're really connecting.