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Helping Siblings Get Along

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Helping Siblings Get Along

With more than one child, you're bound to have some sibling rivalry. Here's how to prevent and transform sibling tensions and ensure your kids will be friends for life.


Books about Pregnancy & Birth for Children

Some of the best books about pregnancy and birth for your child - to better help him understand the process, prepare for and bond with his new sibling.


When Your Older Child Hits the Little One: A Script

Did your toddler or preschooler just hit their little sibling? Of course you see red! Here's your script to intervene -- and prevent a recurrence!


Siblings Downloadable eBook

Craft a "sibling book" for a positive outlook on their bond. The provided Word template makes customization easy—alter the story, words, and images to suit your preferences. Download it here.


Teaching Kids To Share

We all want our children to be generous. But that isn't what they learn from forced sharing. Try self-regulated turns, which also strengthens sibling bonds.


7 Powerful Ways to Help Kids Develop Social Intelligence Skills Every Day

Next time there's a problem between your children, you don't need to sigh and wish it wasn't happening. You can welcome it as a teachable moment!


Why Kids Bicker and How To Help Them Stop

It's normal for siblings to have conflict and disagree. Here's how to coach your kids to learn how to resolve their arguments before they escalate.


Playing with Your Child: Games for Connection and Emotional Intelligence

What if I promised that if you play with your child on a regular basis, THEY will become more cooperative, and YOU will feel more energized?


Books about the New Baby for Older Siblings

Great books, many with the theme of an ambivalent older sibling coming to love the new arrival, which is a great model to give older kids.


How to Prepare Your Child for the New Baby

If you're pregnant and have another child (or two), here are some tips to reduce sibling rivalry and foster a close sibling bond right from the start.