Showing 20 results
How to Raise an Intelligent Creative Child
How to Raise an Intelligent Creative Child
How to help you raise a child who's intellectually curious, creative, and excited about learning on every level -- for the long haul.
ArticleWhat's Best for Baby Brain Development?
A baby will find plenty to stimulate her cognitive development in life's daily activities. Here are seven strategies to nurture her emotional and intellectual development.
ArticleYour Toddler or Preschooler and Screens
How much screen time should your Toddler or Preschooler have? Are you ready? In my opinion, no daily time on an ongoing basis. Here's why.
ArticlePreparing Your Child for the New School Year
With a little bit of preparation and forethought you can enjoy the last weeks of summer and make those first weeks of school easier for everyone in your family.
ArticleTwelve Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to School
Many kids get the Back to School Jitters and need a little extra help adjusting to the start of school. Here are 12 tips that will help.
ArticleHandling Boredom: Why It's Good for Your Child
Unstructured time allows kids to explore inner and outer worlds. Here's what to say when your child complains of boredom and some boredom-busting activities.
ArticleRaise a Child Who Loves to Read
Research shows that reading to children and discussing the book as you read is the single best way to increase your child’s IQ. inspire a lasting love of reading.
ArticleSecrets to Raise a Creative Child
Here’s how to help your child gain the concentration, competence, perseverance, and optimism necessary to succeed in creative pursuits.
ArticleHow to Raise a Motivated Student
All parents want their kids to get good grades at school. But why does being a good student matter? School success isn't possible without a love of learning.
ArticleRaise a Child Who Loves to Learn
Intelligence isn't static. It's more like a muscle: it can be developed with use. Our goal is to raise kids who believe in their ability to build mental muscle by...