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Health & Safety
Health & Safety
In a fast-paced world that sometimes feels full of threats, here's how to keep your kids safe, healthy and thriving as they grow.
ArticleChecklist for Safe Co-Sleeping & Naps
Everything you need to know about keeping your baby safe in your bed!
ArticleTalking To Your Child About Alcohol: What To Ask & What To Say
Kids whose parents teach them the risks of drugs and alcohol are half as likely to use them. The earlier you start these conversations, the better.
ArticleUsing EFT to Calm Kids & Help Them Process Emotions
Parents ask me how they can de-stress & stay calm with their kids. I recommend a simple technique that anchors breathing & speaks to the unconscious: Emotional Freedom Technique.
Article12 Ways to Empower Your Child Against Bullying -- Including CyberBullying
You can help your child develop the skills to stand up to bullying behavior, and you can keep him from becoming a bully. Here's how.
Article12 Ways to Protect Your Child From Stress
Some of what we take for granted in our modern lives is destructive to our kids. Here's how you can protect them.
Article15 Ways to Keep Your Child from Developing an Eating Disorder
What can you do to prevent your child from developing an eating disorder? Help your child develop a healthy body AND a healthy body image.
ArticleHow Nature Makes Kids Calmer, Healthier, Smarter
Did you grow up building dams in the stream, climbing trees, and chasing fireflies as the evening darkened? If you did, you'll agree with me that all children deserve those...
ArticleSafety Rules Every Family Needs
Here are 12 Family Safety Rules that every parent can implement, that really will help you to keep your child safe as you let go of his hand.
ArticleWhat Every Parent Needs to Know to Keep Your Child Safe From Sexual Abuse
Parents think a discussion about "stranger danger" is sufficient to protect kids from sexual abuse, but most kids are molested by someone they know.