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Children learn to coach themselves through anxiety-producing situations by the way you coach them, gaining confidence by facing fears and coming through them.


The secret of keeping our cup full is learning to parent ourselves.

The secret work of adulthood is becoming the parent we needed.


If You Don't Feed Your Hungry Heart, How Can You Feed Your Kids?

It's a truism to say that it takes a village to raise a child. You can't keep all that love flowing if you don't get some love yourself.


Here's your magic wand to be measurably happier, starting today.

Five strategies to change your happiness set-point so that you feel measurably happier, starting today.


The Best Gift You Can Give Your Child

The greatest gift you can give your child is your own healing and well-being. Whenever we get "triggered" we've stumbled on something that needs healing.


Staying Close to Your Tween Daughter

If you can adjust your parenting to her new needs, the tween years are the perfect time to strengthen your relationship with your preteen daughter.


12 Ways to Empower Your Child Against Bullying -- Including CyberBullying

You can help your child develop the skills to stand up to bullying behavior, and you can keep him from becoming a bully. Here's how.


12 Ways to Protect Your Child From Stress

Some of what we take for granted in our modern lives is destructive to our kids. Here's how you can protect them.


Healing Yourself So You Can Be a More Peaceful Parent

The truth is that virtually all of us were wounded as children, and if we don't heal those wounds, they prevent us from parenting our children optimally.


Transform Your Inner Critic Into Your Inner Nurturing Parent

Wouldn't it be lovely if your inner voice could become your cheerleader, encouraging you? Here's how to develop that nurturing inner voice and tame your critic.