But it's a truism because it's true. These years pass more quickly than we can imagine, and when your child looks back, these are the memories that will define family for them. Traditions can be an easy, meaningful way to take a breath during the rush and reconnect. They don't have to be a burden; you can simply choose a family activity to try, and then see if you want to make it into a family tradition. But try only one thing every season; life is busy enough already. Your good mood is what creates meaningful family connection, so drop the guilt and keep it simple.
Extraordinary moments often masquerade as ordinary life. In the northern hemisphere, it's Autumn. Most of us aren't celebrating the harvest. But as the dark comes earlier, we instinctively turn our focus
inside, toward cooking wholesome food, lighting candles and creating a cozier home.
Would revitalizing a seasonal autumn tradition create a more cozy connection in your home? Here are a few ideas to get you started. You can pare them back and make them as simple as you want. The point is connection, not emulating influencers (who btw have staff!) As long as there's laughter and hugs, you're on the right track.
- Carve pumpkins together.
- Take ten minutes with your child to record a "spooky" outgoing message on your voicemail.
- Set aside time every weekend during October to help kids make their own Halloween costumes. Even five year olds can help you sew a seam on the machine or glue on ears. You'll save money, have a costume good enough to reuse, and think how proud he'll be! By the time he's eight, he'll be taking charge of making his own costume.
- Divide your family into teams and see who can rake the biggest leaf pile. (Only one child? Invite friends!) Don't forget jumping into them!
- Have your child pick the most beautiful leaves to iron in wax paper for fall window hangings or scrapbooks. (Put leaves between sheets of wax paper, cover with dish towel, iron on medium heat.)
- Go apple picking. Make apple sauce or a pie together.
- Take a hike in the perfect autumn weather. Finish with apple cider and donuts.
- It's easier than you'd think to keep your home full of delicious smells throughout the month by letting your children help you make fall treats: mulled apple cider with cinnamon, pumpkin bread, hot soup of all kinds. If your grocer stocks frozen dough, you might even bake bread. Or find an easy recipe that doesn't take much kneading and make your own pretzels.
- Start a family gratitude journal by asking everyone in the family to comment on what about your family life they were grateful for this week. On Thanksgiving morning, read the journal aloud. You'll be so inspired, you'll keep the journal alive through the year. (Researchers say that makes both children and adults happier.)
And that, really, is the reason for family rituals. They give us meaning, which is a basic human need. And when our human needs are met, we're happier! What traditions does your family have? What tradition might you like to try this year?