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Anger and Aggression

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Anger and Aggression

Instead of sending an angry child to their room to calm down, teaching a lesson, or demanding an apology, help your child learn to handle their anger responsibly.


When You Just Don't Have Time for The Meltdown

Your child is falling apart, but you have to leave this minute. What to do when you just don't have time for the meltdown.


Aggression from Other Kids: Here's How To Help Your Child Find His Voice

Let's help our kids stay grounded in their own dignity and compassion as they cope with the unhappy people who will inevitably come their way.


When Your Toddler Hits You: A Script

When toddlers hit, they need us to set firm limits to stop them -- while we help them feel safe and understood. They need help expressing feelings in healthier ways.


When Your Child Hits You: A Script

Here's a script to regain your calm and head off future hitting by your child.


Coaching Kids To Gracefully Handle Aggression from Younger Siblings

Eight essential tools to help your child deal with aggression from a younger sibling.


When your child throws his truck at the cat...

How to strengthen connection while setting limits, even in those hair-raising moments.


Why Every Home Needs a Calm-Down Corner

Use time-ins, a cozy corner and co-regulation to help your child calm those big emotions. This is simply a comforting place where people in your home go to calm down.


Staying Calm When One Child Hurts the Other

Most parents say that when one child hurts another, it’s the hardest time for them to self-regulate. The truth is, the reason you “lose it” is that you feel powerless...


12 Ways to Empower Your Child Against Bullying -- Including CyberBullying

You can help your child develop the skills to stand up to bullying behavior, and you can keep him from becoming a bully. Here's how.