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Anger and Aggression
Anger and Aggression
Instead of sending an angry child to their room to calm down, teaching a lesson, or demanding an apology, help your child learn to handle their anger responsibly.
ArticleWhy Kids Hit Younger Siblings, and How To Help Them Stop
Emotions drive behavior, including sibling hitting. Here's how to create a safe space for your child to clear out those painful emotions, so love has a chance to grow.
ArticleWhen your child throws his truck at the cat...
How to strengthen connection while setting limits, even in those hair-raising moments.
ArticleThe Transition from Connecting: When Your Child Wants More More More!
Five reasons kids often struggle when you end Special Time and solutions to transform the drama.
ArticleWhen Love And Attention Just Aren't Enough
What's a parent to do when you've tried everything and your child still acts out? Give him loving attention that heals the feelings driving the behavior.
ArticleWhen You Pee On Your Brother, You've Gone Too Far
What's a parent to do when these situations happen? Spanking, timeouts and sticker charts are no match for sibling rivalry. Luckily, there are better answers.
ArticleWhat If Your Child Crosses the Line?
What If Your Child Crosses the Line? The best way to teach your child a lesson when his behavior goes over the line - hint, it isn't a timeout!
ArticleWhen A Child Wants To Be Left Alone With His Or Her Anger
ArticleWhen Your Older Child Hits the Little One: A Script
Did your toddler or preschooler just hit their little sibling? Of course you see red! Here's your script to intervene -- and prevent a recurrence!
ArticleTaming Toddler Tantrums
Tantrums are normal for toddlers. That said, you'll be glad to know that many tantrums are avoidable. Here's how to tame those toddler tantrums.