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Connecting with Your Child

As our children grow, how do we maintain a strong connection throughout all the developmental stages and phases, while setting the necessary limits?


10 Tips for Peaceful Classroom Teaching

Do peaceful parenting ideas work in the classroom? Yes! All kids respond to respect, connection, and feeling heard. Children follow our lead and connection.


The Transition from Connecting: When Your Child Wants More More More!

Five reasons kids often struggle when you end Special Time and solutions to transform the drama.


When Love And Attention Just Aren't Enough

What's a parent to do when you've tried everything and your child still acts out? Give him loving attention that heals the feelings driving the behavior.


Everybody's got a hungry heart, especially when siblings are involved.

If you want to change the behavior, help the child with the needs or emotions driving the behavior. Kids "act out" when they have big feelings they can't put into...


When You and Your Child Are Stuck in a Bad Pattern

Sometimes we get stuck and find ourselves fighting. It's only human to think we should be able to make our child change. But change needs to start with us.


What's the Difference Between Limits and Consequences?

If you're trying not to dole out punishments and consequences, empathic limits help your child WANT to follow your guidance. Punishment? Not so much.


When Your Child's Whining Drives You Crazy

It only takes ten minutes to stop your child's whining. And when you try this simple practice you'll also get ten great benefits automatically!


When You Lose it With Your Child: 5 Tips To Repair

Are you noticing how hard it is to regulate your own emotions? Use it as motivation to get yourself back on track. Here's your game plan.


When Empathy Doesn't "Work"

When your empathy doesn't "work," consider whether you're really connecting.