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Raising a Happy Family

What does it take to create a happy family, when modern life threatens to overwhelm us? Here are some secrets that you can easily put to use in your own...


Getting Your Child Out the Door In the Morning

This used to be a stressful time of day when I would yell at them, they would not cooperate, and I'd get angry and stressed out. What a difference connection...


How to Use Family Meetings to Build a Closer Family

Does the idea of Family Meetings seem stilted and artificial to you? Here's why you should give them a chance.


Moving? 10 Tips To Help Your Child Adjust

A little prevention goes a long way to help your child adjust to a big move. Everything you've taken for granted has to be re-invented. Here's 10 tips to help.


Surviving Arsenic Hour

Kids have meltdowns at the end of the day when they're hungry and tired -- but also because they feel disconnected. Stave off meltdowns and set a pleasant tone for...


7 Ways Kids Benefit When You Use Routines

Children handle change best if it is expected and occurs in the context of a familiar routine. A routine allows children to feel safe and develop a sense of mastery...


Bickering in the Backseat: How to Cope on the Way to School

Here's how to turn the tide when the tone gets tense in your car. If you address the reason kids are bickering, you can stop the fight before it starts....


Can You Prevent Sibling Fighting?

Conflict is a part of every human relationship, and kids learn from fighting. But you can reduce fighting, and make the fighting that does occur more civil. Here's how.


10 Tips to Make This the Best Summer Ever with Your Family

Reclaim this summer for your family. Make this the best summer ever with your kids. It doesn't take travel or money, just some intentional scheduling from you.


15 Fun Valentines Day Family Traditions

Want some ideas to celebrate Valentines Day, when you're too busy, too broke, and too harried to remember that you adore these people you live with?