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How to Raise an Emotionally Intelligent Child

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How to Raise an Emotionally Intelligent Child

Find out how to raise a child with a high EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) who, you'll be happy to find, is also happier and a delight to parent.


8 Tips To Help Kids Learn to Control Their Emotions

Kids learn to manage their emotions because they have a healthy emotional life, not because they've been told not to feel, or shamed for their feelings.


The most important thing you're teaching your child

Sometimes we don't even notice the most important lesson we're giving our children: how to manage their emotions, and therefore their behavior.


Easy ways to teach kids about emotions in daily life

Your guide to helping your child identify and understand their emotions -- which is the first step in learning to manage them.


How to Stay Calm With Your Child? The Same Way You Get to Carnegie Hall

Every time you resist anger and restore calm, you're rewiring your brain. You gain these skills the same way you get to Carnegie Hall - with practice!


What To Say Instead of Punishing To Teach a Lesson

The lessons we really want to teach start with emotion-coaching. Here's What To Say Instead of Punishing To Teach a Lesson to your child.


Game Plan for Peaceful Parenting Your Preschooler

With a little help from you, these "wonder years" will build a secure and unlimited foundation for your son's or daughter's entire childhood.


7 Powerful Ways to Help Kids Develop Social Intelligence Skills Every Day

Next time there's a problem between your children, you don't need to sigh and wish it wasn't happening. You can welcome it as a teachable moment!


Playing with Your Child: Games for Connection and Emotional Intelligence

What if I promised that if you play with your child on a regular basis, THEY will become more cooperative, and YOU will feel more energized?


12 Tips To Raise a Competent Child

Competent children are free enough from emotional issues to tackle the age-appropriate developmental tasks and emerge with greater confidence.